Working for "Bmen Style Consultant" has been an amazing experience. The creative team connected with me quickly to develop more than 8 illustrations and show the different services or processes they offer.
We needed to communicate through the illustrations the services for the potential clients like "wardrobe heist", "virtual style session", "personal shopping"...
I would like to thank Benedetta and Fabrizio for the support and the incredible communication we have had during those days.
Scroll down to discover the collection and the process.

Wardrobe Heist
Also based on a sustainability concept and the minimising of waste, this service allows you to carry out a professional and extensive evaluation of your wardrobe. You’ll select the garments you don’t need and can donate, with suggestions on where is most convenient to give them away.
We’ll pick together the garments to alter thanks to BMen selected tailors, based on your location; we’ll select the garments you are missing and where to buy them respecting your budget.
BMen will help you create a “capsule collection”, with the aim to add to your wardrobe the necessary garments to create your style. You’ll gain the capacity to create different outfits with one garment quickly and practically, a system that will make pleasurable looking at yourself in the mirror and going out ready to face another day.
Open your mind and look at yourself with fresh eyes.

Your consultancy will be maximised and optimised with our Service Packs, offering a personalized time scheduled with BMen.
Each Service Pack is unique and you can customise it based on your needs, time and availability.
Choose between BMen services and pick the ones you want, to tailor a perfect Service Pack for you!
Please note: Exclusive Experiences are available only separately from Service Packs but included in BMen Seasonal.

Exclusive Experiences
If you can and want to get the best out of you, you can treat yourself with the luxury of an exclusive experience, an effusion of indulgence and delights that you surely deserve. Discover the numerous BMen partners:
Find the time to enjoy the present.
N.B: Exclusive Experience is available only as a complementary service.
Explore our services and pick what you need.